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The Library Fish (Media Literacy, Computer Science, Parts of a Book): Home

Grade Level

K, 1st, 2nd

Missouri School Library Instructional Standards

K-2: Media Literacy: Create

Create media responsibly.

• Make things using appropriate tools.

Missouri Computer Science Performance Standards

  • K.CS.HS.02 With guidance, choose appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks.
  • 1.CS.HS.02 With little support, choose appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks.

Time Frame

1 40 minute class period


This lesson was created by Marlana Howerton from Ezard Elementary School. Rubric was partially created using

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License


Using The Library Fish, students will explore parts of a library book, discuss Library Fish's adventures, and complete an interactive activity in Google Slides. Students will also use a variety of digital tools in Seesaw to create an escape plan for Library Fish.


Book: The Library Fish by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Google Slides Activity: The Library Fish Drag & Drop Book Labeling

Seesaw Activity: The Library Fish Escapes (You will need to have a Seesaw account with your classes setup in order to have students complete this activity individually.)

The Library Fish Escapes Seesaw Rubric (Link in Assessment section)

Learning Outcomes


  • Students will be able to label and identify key parts of a book using digital tools. 
  • Students will be able to make things using appropriate digital tools. 

I Can Statements:

  • I can identify parts of a book using digital tools. 
  • I can create drawings using digital tools.

Instructional Procedures

Before Reading:

  1. Begin by discussing the importance of knowing how to locate information on a book.
  2. Introduce the book The Library Fish by Alyssa Satin Capucilli and explain to students that it will be used as an example to discuss what we might see on the front and back cover of a book. 
  3. Discuss the different parts of the book. Be sure to point out the following: front cover, back cover, title, author, barcode label, spine label, illustrations, pages and the title page. 

During Reading:

  1. Read aloud The Library Fish. Pause when you get to the snowy day.
  2. Discuss: If you were the Library Fish, describe how you would feel if you were left at the library during a snow day and the library was closed. What would you do to pass the time if you were alone for the day? Continue reading.

After Reading:


  1. What were some of the things Library Fish learned about from Mr. Hughes' story time?
  2. Would it be possible for Library Fish to survive outside of her fish bowl to read so many stories? Why or why not? 
  3. Describe what Mr. Hughes might have been thinking at the end of the story when he found a pile of books on the floor. 


#1 - Google Slides: The Library Fish Drag & Drop Book Labeling Activity

  • Using the Google Slides activity link in the Materials section: Assign the activity to individual students through Google Classroom, or you can complete the activity as a class by projecting the image. Students will drag and drop the text labels to their corresponding boxes to correctly identify parts of the front and back cover of a library book. 

#2 - Seesaw: The Library Fish Escapes

  • Using the Seesaw link in the Materials section, assign The Library Fish Escapes activity to your Seesaw classes. 
  • Students will use digital tools in the Seesaw program to create a way for Library Fish to escape her fish bowl to go on an adventure. (pen, pencil, glowpen, highlighter, shapes, text, etc.)
  • Have students record themselves using the record (microphone) feature to explain what they drew and how it will help Library Fish escape her fish bowl. 


  • Evaluate the completion of the Google Slides activity to be sure students have correctly labeled the parts of the book by dragging the text boxes to the corresponding part of the book.  
  • Use the Seesaw rubric below to evaluate how students used digital tools and explained their design and plan. If you don't give grades or prefer not to use the rubric, you can informally assess students as they are working on the activity. 


  • Allow students to work with partners to complete their activities together. 
  • Modify the difficulty level of the Google Slides activity. For example, for some students, you might want to provide additional support by pre-labeling some parts of the book in the drag and drop activity.
  • Modify the difficulty level of the Seesaw activity. For example, if a student struggles with using digital tools due to a physical disability, assist the student in recording himself using the camera feature to verbally explain what he would do to help Library Fish escape her fish bowl.