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Dot Unplugged Book Activity (Unplugged, Daily Use of Technology): Home

Grade Level

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd

Library Standards

MO School Library Instructional Standards

K-2: Reading Engagement: Connect: Recognize Connections through reading: Identify a connection between myself and what I am reading.


Missouri Learning Standards

MO Computer Science Performance Standards

K.IC.C.01 Discuss different ways in which technologies are used in daily life. 

1.IC.C.01 Identify how people use different types of technologies in their daily work and personal lives. 

2.IC.C.01 Identify and describe how people use many types of technologies in their daily work and personal lives. 

Time Frame

1 30 minute class period


This lesson was created by Marlana Howerton from Ezard Elementary School. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License


Students will learn about the importance of taking breaks from technology and brainstorm a list of activities that they can do while being "unplugged." Students will also discuss how technology is used in their daily lives. 


Book: Dot. Unplugged 

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to tell how we use technology in our daily lives. 
  • Students will be able to list or explain activities they can do when they take a break from technology. 
  • Students will be able to explain a connection to what they are reading. 

I Can Statements

  • I can list ways we use technology in our daily lives. 
  • I can share my favorite activities besides using technology.
  • I can listen to the story Dot. Unplugged and discuss how the characters came up with activities when they were unplugged from technology.
  • I can explain a connection to what I am reading. 

Instructional Procedures

Before Reading:

  • Ask students how we use technology in our everyday lives. Ask about their favorite activities and games. Discuss what it means to be "unplugged" and why it's a good idea to take a break from technology once in awhile to explore other options and activities. 
  • Read the title and show the cover of Dot. Unplugged. Then, show students the back cover and read the text. Ask students what they think will happen in the story based on the title, pictures, and text they have seen and heard. 

During Reading:

  • Read Dot. Unplugged. Pause to ask simple questions about the characters' activities and how they might feel when they're not using technology. 

After Reading: 

Discussion: How would you feel about you and your family being unplugged for a few hours unexpectedly? Describe how you would feel if your power went out and you had to be unplugged for two days.  What would be the hardest thing for you about being unplugged?  

  • Distribute the "Unplugged" worksheet to each student. 
    • Guide the students in writing or drawing pictures of five activities they could do when they are unplugged. Remind them of the activities and games they mentioned before reading the story. 
    • If time allows, let students share their drawings/writing with their classmates.


  • Teacher will observe students as they are working and participating in group discussions. 
  • Students will be informally assessed based on their responses on the Unplugged worksheet. (Acceptable responses will include activities that do not involve technology: ex. playing outside, arts and crafts activities, going on a scavenger hunt, playing board games, etc.)


  • Allow students to verbally tell you about what they would do if they were unplugged or allow them to draw instead of write their answers. 
  • If a student is struggling with what to include on the Unplugged worksheet, provide examples of activities that can be done while unplugged. 
  • Instead of using printed copies of the worksheet, project the worksheet on a screen/board and fill in the spaces with class answers.