AASL ENGAGE - Demonstrate safe, legal and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and interconnected world.
ISTE - Creative Communicator & Digital Citizen
45 minutes
This lesson was created by Megan Bright from Liberty Middle School.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Collaborate with Art classrooms to share how artists avoid plagiarism.
Students will be able to identify plagiarism in art and work to avoid plagiarism in their own artwork.
The following are the instructional procedures needed to implement this lesson.
1. Show the slides (attached below) and talk through the commonalities between plagiarism in writing and plagiarism in art.
2. Show students slides of original work and its plagiarized counterpart. Lead discussions about how you can tell it is copied and how they could have made changes to avoid plagiarism.
3. Play the game "Artist or Thief".
Game Instructions: Pass out slips of paper to students that assign some of them the role of artist and some the role of thief. Then, as a class, assign a themed drawing (Example: cartoons). Give students time to make a quick drawing based on the theme. Artists should be creating their own original content, or be inspired by the work of others without copying directly. Thieves should intentionally recreate work done by others. When time is up, have all students display their work. As a class, look at each piece of work and have students guess if the work was created by an artist or a thief.
Check for understanding during the showcase. Reteach if necessary as students consider whether the artwork was original or plagiarized. Encourage conversations that require students to justify their answers.